You Must Remember This

Em junho de 2012, comecei a listar os filmes que assistia. Procurando por diretores ou atores que me interessavam, fiz um esforço em ver cada vez mais filmes de todos os tempos. Não parei de acompanhar os lançamentos, mas tentei dar preferência à ordem cronológica do cinema. Comecei pelo período mudo, fui para os anos 30, anos 40 e assim em diante. A intenção é assistir cem ou mais filmes de cada década – o que não devo terminar tão cedo. Mas tenho aprendido mais sobre cinema fazendo isso do que na faculdade.

Neste blog, quero comentar sobre os filmes que mais me chamaram atenção, que possuem ou não uma certa relevância histórica. Provavelmente, vou falar bem de gente esquecida há muito tempo e ignorar os favoritos da maioria. O critério é todo meu. Não pretendo adotar uma postura acadêmica, mas uma postura amadora, no melhor sentido da palavra.

Abaixo, uma lista mutável do que seria um primeiro módulo (já bastante grandinho) de filmes notáveis anteriores à década de 60. Tenho o humilde intuito de ir comentando sobre eles, além de outros que eu for encontrando pelo caminho:

Auguste Lumiére/Louis Lumiére

L’arrivée d’un train à La Ciotat, 1896

Georges Méliès (1861-1938)

Le voyage dans la lune, 1902

Edwin S. Porter (1870-1941)

The Great Train Robbery, 1903

D.W. Griffith (1875-1948)

The Birth of a Nation, 1915

Intolerance, 1916

Robert Wiene (1873-1938)

Das Cabinet Des Dr. Caligari, 1920

F.W. Murnau (1888-1931)

Nosferatu, 1922

Der letzte Mann, 1924

Victor Seastrom (1879-1960)

He Who Gets Slapped, 1924

The Wind, 1928

Buster Keaton (1895-1966)

Sherlock Jr., 1924

The General, 1926

Steamboat Bill, Jr., 1928

The Cameraman, 1928

Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977)

The Gold Rush, 1925

Modern Times, 1936

The Great Dictator, 1940

King Vidor (1894-1982)

The Big Parade, 1925

John Ford (1894-1973)

3 Bad Men, 1926

The Prisoner of Shark Island, 1936

Stagecoach, 1939

How Green Was My Valley, 1941

The Quiet Man, 1952

The Searchers, 1956

Abel Gance (1889-1981)

Napoléon, 1927

Paul Leni (1885-1929)

The Cat and the Canary, 1927

The Man Who Laughs, 1928

Tod Browning (1880-1962)

The Unknown, 1927

Dracula, 1931

Freaks, 1932

Fritz Lang (1890-1976)

Metropolis, 1927

M, 1931

Das Testament des Dr. Mabuse, 1933

Scarlet Street, 1945

Clash by Night, 1952

The Big Heat, 1953

William A. Wellman (1896-1975)

Wings, 1927

The Public Enemy, 1931

Clarence Brown (1890-1987)

Flesh and the Devil, 1927

Anna Karenina, 1935

Alfred Hitchcock (1899-1980)

The Lodger, 1927

Rebecca, 1940



Notorious, 1946

Rope, 1948

Rear Window, 1954

Vertigo, 1958

North by Northwest, 1959

Carl Th. Dreyer (1889-1968)

La passion de Jeanne d’Arc, 1928

Vampyr, 1932

Josef Von Sternberg (1894-1969)

The Last Command, 1928

The Blue Angel, 1930

Morocco, 1930

Shanghai Express, 1932

G. W. Pabst (1885-1967)

Die Büchse der Pandora, 1929

Raoul Walsh (1887-1980)

The Roaring Twenties, 1929

High Sierra, 1941

White Heat, 1949

Frank Capra (1879-1991)

The Miracle Woman, 1931

Platinum Blonde, 1931

Lady for a Day, 1933

It Happened One Night, 1934

Mr. Deeds Goes to Town, 1936

You Can’t Take It with You, 1938

Meet John Doe, 1941

It’s a Wonderful Life, 1946

James Whale (1889-1957)

Frankenstein, 1931

The Old Dark House, 1932

Bride of Frankenstein, 1935

Mervyn LeRoy (1900-1987)

Little Caesar, 1931

Random Harvest, 1942

Quo Vadis, 1951

The Bad Seed, 1956

Howard Hawks (1896-1977)

Scarface, 1932

Twentieth Century, 1934

Only Angels Have Wings, 1939

His Girl Friday, 1940

Sergeant York, 1941

Ball of Fire, 1941

To Have and Have Not, 1944

The Big Sleep, 1946

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, 1953

Rio Bravo, 1959

Jack Conway (1887-1952)

Red-Headed Woman, 1932

A Tale of Two Cities, 1935

Victor Fleming (1889-1949)

Red Dust, 1932

Captains Courageous, 1937

The Wizard of Oz, 1939

Gone with the Wind, 1939

Cecil B. DeMille (1881-1959)

The Sign of the Cross, 1932

The Ten Commandments, 1956

Ernst Lubitsch (1892-1947)

Design for Living, 1933

Angel, 1937

Bluebeard’s Eighth Wife, 1938

Ninotchka, 1939

The Shop Around the Corner, 1940

To Be or Not to Be, 1942

Heaven Can Wait, 1943

George Cukor (1899-1983)

Dinner at Eight, 1933

The Women, 1939

The Philadelphia Story, 1940

Gaslight, 1944

Archie Mayo (1891-1968)

The Petrified Forest, 1936

William Wyler (1902-1981)

These Three, 1936

Dodsworth, 1936

Wuthering Heights, 1939

Mrs. Miniver, 1942

The Best Years of Our Lives, 1946

The Heiress, 1949

Roman Holiday, 1953

Friendly Persuasion, 1956

Ben-Hur, 1959

Jean Renoir (1894-1979)

La Grande Illusion, 1937

Leo McCarey (1896-1969)

The Awful Truth, 1937

Going My Way, 1944

An Affair to Remember, 1957

Anthony Asquith (1902-1968)

Pygmalion, 1938

Michael Curtiz (1886-1962)

Angels with Dirty Faces, 1938

Yankee Doodle Dandy, 1942

Casablanca, 1942

Mildred Pierce, 1945

William Dieterle (1893-1972)

The Hunchback of Notre Dame, 1939

All That Money Can Buy, 1941

George Stevens (1904-1975)

Gunga Din, 1939

The Talk of the Town, 1942

Woman of the Year, 1942

The Diary of Anne Frank, 1959

Preston Sturges (1898-1959)

The Lady Eve, 1941

Sullivan’s Travels, 1941

Unfaithfully Yours, 1948

Orson Welles (1915-1985)

Citizen Kane, 1941

The Stranger, 1946

Mr. Arkadin, 1955

Touch of Evil, 1958

John Huston (1906-1987)

The Maltese Falcon, 1941

The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, 1948

Key Largo, 1948

The African Queen, 1951

Jacques Tourneur (1904-1977)

Cat People, 1942

I Walked with a Zombie, 1943

The Leopard Man, 1943

Out of the Past, 1947

Mark Robson (1913-1978)

The Seventh Victim, 1943

The Ghost Ship, 1943

Isle of the Dead, 1945

Bedlam, 1946

Michael Powell/Emeric Pressburger

The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp, 1943

A Matter of Life and Death, 1946

Black Narcissus, 1947

The Red Shoes, 1948

Henri-Georges Clouzot (1907-1977)

Le Corbeau, 1943

Diabolique, 1955

Billy Wilder (1906-2002)

Double Indemnity, 1944

The Lost Weekend, 1945

A Foreign Affair, 1948

Sunset Blvd., 1950

Sabrina, 1954

The Seven Year Itch, 1955

Witness for the Prosecution, 1957

Some Like it Hot, 1959

Otto Preminger (1905-1986)

Laura, 1944

The Man with the Golden Arm, 1955

Anatomy of a Murder, 1959

Robert Siodmark (1900-1973)

The Spiral Staircase, 1945

The Killers, 1946

David Lean (1908-1991)

Brief Encounter, 1945

Great Expectations, 1946

Oliver Twist, 1948

The Bridge on the River Kwai, 1957

Robert Wise (1914-2005)

The Body Snatcher, 1945

The Set-Up, 1949

The Day the Earth Stood Still, 1951

Run Silent Run Deep, 1958

John Boulting (1913-1985)

Brighton Rock, 1947

Delmer Daves (1904-1977)

Dark Passage, 1947

Broken Arrow, 1950

3:10 to Yuma, 1957

The Hanging Tree, 1959

Elia Kazan (1909-2003)

Gentleman’s Agreement, 1947

Panic in the Streets, 1950

A Streetcar Named Desire, 1951

On the Waterfront, 1954

A Face in the Crowd, 1957

Carol Reed (1906-1976)

Odd Man Out, 1947

The Fallen Idol, 1948

The Third Man, 1949

Jules Dassin (1911-2008)

Brute Force, 1947

The Naked City, 1948

Rififi, 1955

Anatole Litvak (1902-1974)

Sorry, Wrong Number, 1948

The Snake Pit, 1948

Stanley Donen (1924-)

On the Town, 1949

Singin’ in the Rain, 1952

Funny Face, 1957

Joseph L. Makiewickz (1909-1993)

All About Eve, 1950

Suddenly, Last Summer, 1959

Nicholas Ray (1911-1979)

In a Lonely Place, 1950

On Dangerous Ground, 1952

Johnny Guitar, 1954

Rebel Without a Cause, 1955

Vincente Minnelli (1903-1986)

An American in Paris, 1951

The Bad and the Beautiful, 1952

The Band Wagon, 1953

Some Came Running, 1958

Samuel Fuller (1912-1997)

The Steel Helmet, 1951

Pickup on South Street, 1953

Alexander Mackendrick (1912-1993)

The Man in the White Suit, 1951

The Ladykillers, 1955

Sweet Smell of Success, 1957

Fred Zinnemann (1907-1997)

High Noon, 1952

From Here to Eternity, 1953

The Nun’s Story, 1959

Hiroshi Inagaki (1905-1980)

Samurai I: Musashi Miyamoto, 1954

Samurai II: Duel at Ichijoji Temple, 1955

Charles Laughton (1899-1962)

The Night of the Hunter, 1955

Delbert Mann (1920-2007)

Marty, 1955

Separate Tables, 1958

Douglas Sirk (1897-1987)

All That Heaven Allows, 1955

There’s Always Tomorrow, 1956

Stanley Kramer (1913-2001)

The Defiant Ones, 1958

On The Beach, 1959